Mahogany Carnival Arts
Mahogany Carnival Club Mahogany Carnival Club is a family of creative families who love Mas and the best things of carnival. Formed in 1989 out of a desire to preserve and develop the traditions of carnival, over the past 36 years Mahogany has been committed to raising the aspirations of our community by producing Mas with a message that challenges common stereotypes and explores the endless design possibilities that stem from our unique Caribbean flavour of carnival. The appreciation of the importance of the existence of the Notting Hill Carnival is central to Mahogany’s ethos. We respectfully approach each year in the knowledge that we are standing on the shoulders of those who have sacrificed to give us the rite to be here. So, we use our carnival voice to increase awareness of current issues, to demonstrate the value of Mas, to increase creative skills and to unite our diverse community. We strive for high artistic achievement which has opened the door for us to perform nationally and internationally in several prestigious world events throwing a spotlight on the Art of Mas and taking our community to the world. Over the years we have won many awards. Our recent achievements include an RDI award from the RSA for our carnival work. This is the highest award for design from the RSA. We won first place in the London New Year’s day parade 2025 for the London Borough of Lewisham. We were the Artistic directors for the Coronation segment of the Queens Platinum Jubilee procession and we win first place in our categories for our performances at the Notting Hill Carnival.